11/2/2006 - Added around 30+ new art with more to come soon. Email fixed: aero at xenemy.com
6/23/2006 - Added 100+ extremely high resolution pictures to a new section.
6/09/2006 - Added about 225+ new art.
6/01/2006 - Class change links updated, they should all work now. I hope to add the 3rd class change guide in the future when more information is available.
Also, my email is currently unavailable, please do not send me anything I will not get it.
5/18/2006 - New L2 Art is getting hard to come by. All my links to the Korean forums are dead, and I have no way of finding the new threads were they are posted. If you have a link or any new art, email it to me at: aero at xenemy.com